The principal shooting of Mahesh Babu, Tamannaah starrer Aagadu began today. Directed by Sreenu Vaitla, the film is being produced by Anil Sunkara, Gopichand and Ram Achanta under 14 Reels Entertainment banner. Sreenu Vaitla and Mahesh Babu had earlier teamed up for Dookudu which went on to become a smash hit back in 2011.
Mahesh Babu will once again be seen in a police officer’s role in this film and it’s said to be an out-and-out mass character. Similarly, Tamannaah, who has so far been playing uber glamorous or girl-next-door roles, will be seen in a mass character. Few months ago, Sreenu Vaitla had revealed that he has not followed the pattern which was blatant in his recent films like Dookudu and Baadshah. Although he hasn’t disclosed too many details about what he meant by that, sources close to the film unit suggest that Sreenu Vaitla is moving away from confusion themed action comedy, which he started with Dhee and took it to a whole new level with Ready and Dookudu.
Thaman is scoring the music for this film and KV Guhan is the cinematographer. The film is expected to hit the screens in summer 2014.
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