Shruti Haasan has filed a complaint against the stalker who tried to attack her on Tuesday in her residence at Bandra West. While the police is still researching in to the matter it is heard that no arrests have been taken place so far. The good part of the episode is stalker was was identified on CCTV footage in the apartment building. The image clearly shows he is a middle aged man wearing a jacket. We might have more details on the accused soon since cops have the clear photo graph of the person.
The incident happened on Tuesday morning when Sruthi was alone at home, answered the door bell of her apartment in 6th floor. When she saw the stalker, stunned Sruthi pushed him hard, he stuck his hand in the door and got hurt then he quickly fled from the building. What is even more shocking is same person followed Sruthi to several places before. Shruthi said media she saw the same guy on her sets many days. Frustrated Shruthi said, he knew all the places where I took me a good few days to re cover myself and lodge a police complaint. Sruthi hopes to get back in to the normal mood and attend her shoot soon.
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