Kannada Actress Sanjana over the past one week has been very upset, the reason being a group of men are calling up on her personal number at odd hours in the middle of night and harassing her.
"I first thought I'd file a police complaint, but then how many times do I do that? I get calls from people I don't know very often.If I extend for legal help that becomes bad publicity for me too". The actress then decided to seek the help of her twitter followers by posting the number of her harasser. her fans promptly called the guy who later apologized and claimed to have called her during a party with her friends.
Sanjana opened up to the Times of India saying "Men should understand that they can't take a woman for granted, even if she is a celebrity. It is very important to take care of the issue. They thought it was funny to call and harass at 2 am and talk really really badly to me. I told him to remember that he was born to a mother and not a man and to talk decently.
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