‘It’s the right verdict on the Delhi gang rape case. Nirbhaya’s soul me rest in peace if the verdict is implemented with immediate effect,’ said versatile artist R.Narayanamurthy. He has produced the film Nirbhaya Bharatam in his own direction and everything is finished. Revealing this to the media, Narayanamurthy said that he has made this film on the basis of what would happen after the verdict in this sensational case. This film is scheduled to be released on 20th. Nansi Angel and Spandana have acted in this movie.
Yespal, Jonnavitthula, Dayanarsingh, Dharmavaram Venkata Ramana, Saichandh, Warangal Srinivas catered the lyrics. Narayana Murthy himself has tuned the music. It is not sure whether it would be another success for Narayanamurthy but there are some expectations that it can appeal to women and youth.
There are many incidents like Nirbhaya Gang rape which became sensational and shocked the traditional Indian society. There have been many changes existed in the judicial point of view towards this kind of cases. Much awareness among the masses has been formed due to huge and arrogant protests after the sequences of Nirbhaya like incidents throughout the nation. Keeping all this in mind, Narayana murthy has made this film and it would be another remarkable and recognizable film for him.
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